Hendersonville Counseling, PLLC
"Where you are today, doesn't mean you have to be there tomorrow."
Serving the Western North Carolina community since 2017
Specializing in
Anxiety and Depression, Anger Management, Domestic Violence, Substance
Abuse, Eating Disorders and Relationship Struggles for all ages.
Who We Serve
Who We Serve
Counseling Services and support for Adolescents and Adults
Individual services for Adults and Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Anxiety, Depression, Eating disorders, Addiction issues, Mood disorders, Personality Disorders and Self Harming Behaviors are currently available.
Individual Services are focused on assisting you with developing positive coping skills from the first session and working toward your specified goals.
Click below to see more information on treatments and services.
Alcohol Abuse
Behavioral Issues
Intimate Partner Violence
Eating Disorders
Maternal issues
Suicidal Ideation
Coping Skills
Drug Abuse
Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD)
Substance Abuse
Dissociative Disorders
Personality Disorders
Mood Disorders
Dual Diagnosis
Health/Life Coaching
Self Esteem
Insurance Information
We're dedicated to making treatment and therapy affordable for all. Below is a list of some of the insurances accepted. A complete list can be found here.
